Therapeutic Massage
Now recognized as a legitimate therapy for painful and chronic health conditions, therapeutic massage is no longer considered to be just an indulgence or a luxury. Massage therapy is often used to treat muscle pain, injury, and stiffness in the muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and skin.
Massage therapists use varying degrees of pressure and movement based on your healing needs. Sessions may help reduce tension, stress, and anxiety while eliciting feelings of calm and relaxation.
Benefits of Therapeutic Massage:
Help reduce stress
Lessen pain and muscle tension
Increase relaxation
Improve immune function
Want to learn more?
Click HERE for more information.
30 mins - $50 / $60 for Beth
60 mins - $85 / $95 for Beth
90 mins - $125 / $135 for Beth
120 mins - $165 / $175 for Beth